Embracing a Year of Self-Kindness and Self-Care Hello, and Happy New Year! As January gets well underway, I want to extend my warmest wishes to each of you. This isn't just the start of...
Grief & Trauma Resources – Guidance and Comfort for Your Healing Journey
Posted By SK Reid,
16/11/2023 23:00 PM
The Truth About Grief Grief is a universal human experience, a complex and profound emotion that accompanies the loss of someone or something deeply cherished. It's a journey through the intricate...
Introduction Embarking on a journey through the intricate tapestry of our well-being, we find the threads of mental and physical health not just parallel but interwoven. This exploration is not only...
The Impact of Stress on Health: Overwhelm, Burnout, and Exhaustion
Posted By SK Reid,
07/11/2023 23:00 PM
Stress is an inevitable part of life. But when stress becomes chronic, it can have serious consequences for our health and well-being. This article explores how ongoing stress leads to overwhelm,...
Welcome 2023 New Year
Posted By SK Reid,
07/01/2023 20:00 PM
As I sit here reflecting on the New Year, I feel both excited and daunted at the same time: so much promise, yet so much uncertainty. In the midst of that uncertainty, one easy step to offset this...
Finding Safe Haven
Posted By SK Reid,
23/09/2021 16:00 PM
Beyond Pandemic Stress: Creating Buffer If you have been following my recent posts about the fallout from the pandemic and the terrible toll on our psyches and bodies that the pandemic has had,...
The Reasons Why Pandemic Stress May be Doing You Harm
Posted By SK Reid,
20/08/2021 21:00 PM
Stress Can Kill In my last post, I shared with you a little bit about trauma and the adverse impact of the pandemic in terms of mental health and general wellbeing. We noted that there has been a...
Why the Stress Effect is Deadly Serious
Posted By SK Reid,
20/07/2021 21:00 PM
The Stress Effect In my last post, I wrote about the impact of trauma on people’s lives - particularly pandemic trauma. The pandemic has affected people globally and everyone has been impacted...
Shocking facts about Covid-19 trauma people are afraid to know
Posted By SK Reid,
15/07/2021 20:50 PM
In my last post, I wrote about the impact of the pandemic from the perspective of trauma and how similar to other types of trauma the pandemic is - there are lots of parallels. To briefly...
The Truth About Trauma
Posted By SK Reid,
13/07/2021 20:00 PM
An Unforgettable Milestone Recently, the world passed the 4 million deaths from the COVID-19 milestone. This is not a milestone anyone wants to know about. In fact, unless we are directly...