My Books

Finding Balance in the Digital Age

Posted By SK Reid,
07/01/2025 23:00 PM
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy to feel like life is moving faster than we can keep up. From constant notifications to the endless scroll of social media, our devices keep us...

Safe Haven Pocketbook by SK Reid

Posted By SK Reid,
10/11/2021 21:00 PM
Celebrating the Launch of Safe Haven Pocketbook by SK Reid I don't know about you, but life never ever seems to be any less crazy busy! It's like we're all caught in a whirlwind, trying to juggle...

Finding Safe Haven

Posted By SK Reid,
23/09/2021 16:00 PM
Beyond Pandemic Stress: Creating Buffer If you have been following my recent posts about the fallout from the pandemic and the terrible toll on our psyches and bodies that the pandemic has had,...

The Reasons Why Pandemic Stress May be Doing You Harm

Posted By SK Reid,
20/08/2021 21:00 PM
Stress Can Kill In my last post, I shared with you a little bit about trauma and the adverse impact of the pandemic in terms of mental health and general wellbeing. We noted that there has been a...