Understanding Stress and Rediscovering Joy

Posted By SK Reid  
21:00 PM

I write a lot about the effects of stress here on the blog. This is partly because I feel keenly aware of the damaging effects of stress on our lives. I'm a case in point! Look no further! The last two years have been traumatic and stressful, and at times, I have felt as though I simply didn't know how I was going to keep going. And it has taken a toll on my health. But you soldier on because you have no choice. But we have some choice about how we choose to manage the challenges life throws at us. And I know I am not alone in this.

The Silent Epidemic

 Some have called it a silent epidemic, and it certainly is a silent killer. In fact, understanding the health effects of negative stress, the difference between negative and positive stress, allostatic load, and their implications on health can significantly inform the choices we make when dealing with life challenges.

A Personal Insight: Pockets of Joy 

For me, one of the stark things to come from the last couple of years is the need to create little pockets of joy—really, for survival! I remember Dad's oncologist saying this to him when he said we were looking at Palliative care for Dad's cancer. The shock of hearing those words was huge. We hadn't really realised Dad's melanoma was terminal until that appointment. And then, Dad's oncologist said something that has stayed with me ever since. He said, "You need to create little pockets of joy, now." Little pockets of joy. Not because it would make the cancer go away. Not because it would stop Dad from being killed by this disease. But because little pockets of joy would give us some quality of life, of love, of time together before the end. After all, we only have one life! What life we have is one that matters! We matter! Our precious tiny lives matter. This is why creating happiness or joy is vital for our overall well-being. It's a way to live fully and to validate our self-worth.

The Hidden Nature of Stress

Negative Stress and Allostatic Load: Negative stress, often termed distress, can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Chronic exposure to negative stress leads to a state known as allostatic load, which is essentially the wear and tear on the body that accumulates as an individual is exposed to repeated or chronic stress. This condition manifests through various physical symptoms and can significantly impair bodily functions. Allostatic load is associated with several health risks, including cardiovascular disease, weakened immune response, and increased susceptibility to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Positive Stress: On the other hand, positive stress, or eustress, typically refers to stress that is perceived as manageable or within one's coping abilities and can lead to improved performance and motivation. This type of stress often feels exciting, and it's associated with growth and positive outcomes.

Final Reflections: The Role of Joy in Health

Introducing activities that foster joy and happiness can be a powerful antidote to the effects of negative stress and allostatic load. Engaging in joyful activities can promote a healthier balance of neurochemicals and foster resilience against stress. Practices like mindfulness, regular physical activity, and maintaining strong social connections reduce the burden of allostatic load and enhance overall wellness. By shifting focus from stress to joy, individuals can mitigate the harmful effects of stress and embrace a more fulfilling and healthy life.

Creating an environment and lifestyle that prioritises joy does not merely enhance one's mood temporarily but can lead to long-term health benefits. This approach to cultivating joy isn't just about personal happiness—it's a really important and often overlooked component of a holistic approach to health that acknowledges the profound interaction between mental and physical well-being.

Next Time On The Blog

Join me next time as we explore how to rediscover the simple things that bring us joy and how to recognise obstacles that prevent us from connecting with more joy in everyday life.

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Find out how to create more Joy in your life! Join Journey to Joy, my 7 Day Transformational Challenge. This challenge is designed to open your heart, invigorate your mind, and guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Find out more here.
Learn how to create your own Safe Haven from the stresses and strains of an uncertain world here.
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